Contact us at 704-987-2277 to schedule an emergency visit. We handle emergency visits during normal office hours and will do our best to prioritize your care.

Dental emergencies can happen, and when they do, you want the confidence of knowing you will be taken care of by experienced and skilled dental professionals. Davidson Cosmetic & Family Dentistry is trained and equipped to handle any type of dental emergency. Prior to your emergency care visit, there are some common treatments to help ease any discomforts.

What do I do if I crack a tooth?
When you first notice the cracked tooth, rinse your mouth out with warm water so the cracked area will be clean. Next, place a cold, wet towel on your face to help with swelling.

You should also call the office immediately so that we can set up an appointment and get the cracked tooth fixed as soon as possible.

What do I do if I get a tooth knocked out?
Keep the area where the tooth was knocked out moist. Try to place the tooth back in the socket, but do not touch the root. If it cannot be placed back in the socket, put the tooth in between your cheek and gums, place tooth in a glass of milk or use a tooth preservation product that is ADA®-approved.

Please call us immediately so that our team can help you repair your lost tooth.

How can I treat a painful toothache?
Clean the area by washing your mouth with warm water. Gently floss to remove any food that is caught in your teeth. Do not use aspirin on the aching area, as it might burn your gum tissue. Call Davidson Cosmetic & Family Dentistry immediately if your pain continues.

If you have any questions about emergency dental care in Davidson, North Carolina, or if you need to make an emergency appointment with our dentist, Dr. Michael Wilhite, call our office today.