Getting a new smile can be a big confidence booster, but caring for that new smile is an important step of your overall treatment. Our dentist, Dr. Michael Wilhite, and our team provide instructions for at-home teeth whitening in Davidson, North Carolina. If you are interested in learning more or scheduling an appointment, call Davidson Cosmetic & Family Dentistry at 704-987-2277.

  • Place a small drop of bleach in front surface of tooth inside of tray.
  • Insert tray in your mouth in front of a mirror to ensure that no overflow occurs. If overflow occurs, gently wipe excess gel from gums with Q-tip or tissue.
  • Bleach is most effective for the first two hours of use but is active for eight hours.
  • Do not eat or drink while tray is inserted.
  • Some gel will be swallowed, but minimum irritation occurs. Swallowing is okay.
  • Store extra syringes in the refrigerator to prolong expiration. Gel should be discarded after one year.
  • Upon removal of trays, spit excess gel, brush teeth to remove any remaining gel and rinse tray with cool water.
  • If any irritation occurs on gums, remove tray immediately and leave out until area heals (about one to two days).
  • Continue to bleach each day until teeth lighten. Typically, two weeks or three to four days after desired shade has been reached. Teeth tend to bleach two to three shades lighter, then taper off.
  • Avoid liquids that stain like coffee, tea, dark sodas, red wine, etc. and smoking for at least one hour after removing bleaching trays.
  • Expect some sensitivity and mild recession. If excessive sensitivity occurs, contact our office, and a fluoride gel or toothpaste will be issued for you to put in trays for one to two days to remedy sensitivity.
  • **If you know your teeth are moderately sensitive, brushing with a sensitive toothpaste such as Sensodyne every day for two weeks prior to bleaching (and during) will help aid in averting sensitivity once bleaching begins.
  • Extra bleaching gel can be purchased from our office for $51.00.
  • If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call our office at 704-987-2277.

*Along with your trays and whitening gel, we have also included your models. Please keep them stored in a safe place where they are not subject to being chipped or damaged. If for any reason your trays are lost or damaged, we can use them to fabricate replacement trays for an additional fee, less than what you initially paid for each tray.