Many people grind their teeth occasionally. This does not usually cause harm, but when teeth grinding happens on a regular basis, teeth can be damaged, and oral health problems may arise. If chronic teeth grinding is left untreated, your teeth may become fractured or loose, or they may even fall out. Teeth grinding can also affect your jaws, cause hearing loss, or cause or worsen temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ/TMD). The following factors may cause teeth grinding:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • A misaligned bite
  • Missing teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Sleep disorders

Teeth grinding often happens at night while you are sleeping. Because of this, you may not even realize you have a problem. If you notice any of the following symptoms, ask Dr. Michael Wilhite about treatments for teeth grinding:

  • Dull headaches
  • A sore jaw
  • Painful or loose teeth
  • Cracked or broken teeth

Our dentist will examine your mouth and jaw for signs of teeth grinding, like irregularities in your teeth and jaw tenderness. Dr. Mike may recommend an occlusal guard to prevent your teeth from grinding at night. We invite you to contact Davidson Cosmetic & Family Dentistry today at 704-987-2277 to learn more about teeth grinding in Davidson, North Carolina, and schedule a consultation with our dentist.